Brincadeira da Caligrafia.
Sinceramente, eu adoro minha caligrafia! E eu adoro escrever a mão. Eu sempre adorei escrever em diários e agendas e até fazer trabalho escrito a mão. Então adorei quando a Jenny me tagged nessa brincadeira. Sem contar que eu também gosto de ver a caligrafia de outras pessoas. Acho bonito, uma characteristica unica, por que, por mais que sua caligrafia seja parecida com a de alguem, ela ainda é bem unica de alguma maneira. Talvez em como vc faz o M ou como você corta o T ou como coloca os pingos nos Is. Enfim... é unico!
Adorei a ideia Jenny! E quem quiser participar, participe também!
1. Seu nome e assinatura no blog
2. Endereco do seu blog
3. Escreva :: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
4. Sua frase preferida.
4. Musica preferida.
5. Banda preferida.
6. Escreva alguma coisa... qualquer coisa...
7. Tag 3 pessoas.
Mas é isso ai gente... quero ver a letra de vocês!
blah blah blah
I was having some weird contractions and decided to take a shower to see if it would make them go away in case they were just weird braxton hicks or if they would continue. They went away. So then I decided to do my nails... they looked pretty ugly, and no ones to go into labor with ugly nails right?! :oP
Anyway, so after doing my nails, and redoing them a couple of times because I kept messing up and then redoing my right index finger for the 4th time (kid you not), I was still not sleepy.
So I came to the kitchen, grabbed my self a ice cooler thing (you know,those ice pack things that you put in coolers and lunch boxes? they are my secret to not dying of heat at time,lay one those babies on your belly and bam - instant cooling) and sat in the living room.
And then I started remembering the week before Thomas was born. It's funny how different I feel now. physically and emotionally. Sometimes I can't stand the wait, I just want them to come so I can hold them and love them and smell them and look at them. But sometimes I get scared and don't want them to come because I really don't feel ready. But then I think... are we ever really ready for a new baby? For TWO new babies? If I were to wait until I was really ready, I would be waiting forever.
I dreamed a few nights ago that my water had broken. I woke up not knowing if it had been true or just a dream and freaked out a little. I kept thinking "It was a dream, it has to be, it's too early, I'm not ready..."
Today when my weird contractions started I felt ok. I wasn't scared... well maybe a little. But that's just because the one doctor that I do not want was on call today, so I really could not have these babies today. But now he's not anymore so they can come. Although, I still want them to wait more, or at least until my mom gets here, then they can really come.
So, anyway, I wasn't scared. I mean I started getting a little nervous, because they were different, a bit more intense and actually started getting into a patter... but it wasn't like the time with the dream when I was almost to the point of waking up Johan.
I feel like a first time mom all over again. I don't know what to expect. I don't know how to prepare, I simply don't know. I feel like I'm waking the plank blind folded, but in a good sort of way. I know what's going on, I know where I'm headed and I even know what will happen once I reach the end. I just don't know when it will happen. Makes sense?
I appreciate all who have been so nice and have been cheering for me this whole time. It has helped so much. It really has not been easy, but even the little "You look great" comments have helped and I really do appreciate them.
I think I feel a little sleepy-ness coming on...
I have a few allergies: melon and almonds make my tongue and throat swell, and tomatoes make my hands itch (but I can eat them...)
But the weirdest of all is my toothpaste allergy. In fact, it's not even to toothpaste that I'm allergic (aren't you glad) but rather to a chemical commonly found in it called sodium lauryl sulfate.
SLS is highly effective surfactant used in any task requiring the removal of oily stains and residues. For that reason it's found in a lot of cleaning products as well as hygiene product such as tooth paste, shampoo and other foamy things.
Pretty random isn't it? Now here is how I found out that I was allergic to it. I've always had a big problem with canker sores, I would get them all the time. Then, around this time last year, I got the biggest canker sore I had ever had, and it just wound't go away. I tried everything, and still it hung to by inner lower lip like you won't believe it.
So I decided to search the good ol' world wide web and see what I could find. Lo and behold I found out that SLS dries up the skin inside your mouth and the protective layer of the oral tissue, making it more vulnerable to different irritants such as acidic foods.
After reading that, I decided to test it out. So I didn't brush my teeth for a whole week. Just kidding. I just didn't brush it one night, and what do you know, in the morning, the sore was gone!
And that is when I switched over to SLS-free tooth paste. Not an easy taks however, there is only 1 (ONE) toothpaste that doesn't have SLS. And yes, I did check all of them. But since I made the sitch I haven't had a single canker sore!
Not too long ago, I used to work in the English department here at the school. And everyday, I would fill a little jar up with mixed nuts. And everyday there was a certain teacher that would come bay after his classes and grab a hand full of nuts. Until one day when 5 minutes after he grabbed his daily handful of nut he came back sweating, dizzy, with a swollen itchy throat and had to be rushed to the hospital. I guess one day his body just had enough of nuts... ?
So do you have any weird allergies? And random reactions to even more random things?
... I hope you all enjoyed my random shpill. I'm been working this week, and there hasn't been much to do. So today, as I was going out to buy some sls-free toothpaste... I got thinking about all this, and adding to my boredom I thought I would sharemy little toothpaste drama with you all :o). Maybe I'll start blogging about more useful things every once in a while. sounds good? or no good?
Mas para quem quer saber, eis o que tem acontecido do crazy Lar Doce Lar dos Baers!
Thominhas contitnua crescendo e aprontando. Esse piazinho não para quieto, e está se mostrando um tagarelinha de marca maior. Fala que é uma loucura. Essa foto é de hoje de manha, eu tava trocando ele e quando tirei as mangas vi que ele parecia uma minhoquinha... hahahaha
Ando inventanto altas e boas na cozinha, gosto tanto de cozinhar! E não se preocupem o tal blog de receitas está a caminho!!! http://annabaercooks.blogspot.com
Eu ando numa onda de organização tremenda. Mas para mim eu sigo a lei do caos: o caminho para a organização é a desorganização. Então, quem vier aqui em casa agora vai achar que a casa nunca esteve tão bagunçada. Mas eu prometo que ela está sendo organizada! É que o meu negocio é o seguinte: eu começo de dentro pra fora. Então, antes de arrumar o quarto, eu arrumo as gavetas, embaixo da cama etc. Antes de arrumar a cozinha, eu arrumo os armarios, a geladeira e por ai vai.
Mas como prova, aqui esta uma foto do armario embaixo da escada, quem já abriu aquela porta sabe que aquele armário era um verdadeiro salve-se quem puder. Mas agora: vouz-a-láLindo não? Só que mais lindo ainda é o nosso food storage!
Já temos tanta coisa! Leite em pó, arroz, feijão, oleo, apple sauce, agua, sal, mix para panqueca, bolachinhas, peanut butter, miojo, sucrilhos, suco, entre outra coisinhas. É um alivio tão grande saber que a gente tem pelo menos alguma coisa. E agora temos a meta de todo mês acrecentar mais um pouco. Assim, em um ano vamos ter um belo de um armazenamento!
Outra coisa é que essa semana eu fui na biblioteca da cidade e me DELICIEI lá. Alugei un livros para mim, dois livros para o Thomas e uns filmes clássicos para eu assistir. Adoro filmes antigos. Assisti essa semana The Great Gadsby com Robert Redford. E hoje volto lá para trocar o que já li e já assiti. O legal também é que ele tem story time para bebes toda quinta!
Mas por agora é isso ai, Thominhas já going crazy aqui no meu colo querendo pegaro teclado!
Thomas, manda uma mensagem:
k.æ kllkkk
xc/xd /d z/dzdzM gfxbvj ¶ m x xz hcx ds iiiiil s suuuu a
OK, that's enough, não me perguntem como que ele conseguiu os simbolos do schwa e do paragrafo... e também conseguiu selecionar tudo e deletar! danadinho!!!!
Isso que eu chamo de globalização!
É nisso que dá...
É nisso que dá dormir (e roncar) no carro com um monde de gente alegre!!!
(Participaram da pegadinha: Lucas, Johan, Anna e Thomas. Estavamos a caminho do CTM e o David decidiu tirar um cochilo.... até parece.)
(Still) Under Construction
And yes, I will probably change it again.
Estou aprendendo a fazer meu own template, por isso vai mudar muuuuuuita coisa ate eu aprender tudo direitinho!
Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?
Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that's full of romantic dreams about the world around you. Exploring exotic places is your ultimate dream, and although you can be a little naive you'll realize that there is something to be gained from your family's wisdom.
Eu acredito.
E não é que aconteceu? E põe inesperada nisso viu!
Agora eu acredito em biscoitinhos da sorte. :oP
Site em Construção - Casa nova e bagunçada
Até o fim da semana esterei com a casa arrumadinha (afinal, vamos ter visita e casa bagunçada com visita, não da certo!) Quando tudo estiver 100%, posto fotos ok?!
Mas enquanto isso não acontece, aproveitem as mil mudanças que ando fazendo e testando no blog. As coisas andam meio devagar o trabalho, deu pra perceber!?
Tag - I'm it.
What I was doing...
10 years ago: 1998, I was 11 years old and in 6th grade. I had just moved with my family to Mason, Ohio and I didn't speak a word of English. I went to Mason Middle School,and basically don't remember a thing from 6th grade. A few things I do remeber though: after a few months I could communicate and had made lots of frieds. One day Tony comes up to me and asks if I want to "go out" with Zach. My response: "Go out where?" Totally did not understand the concept of 6th grade dating (and no, I did not go out with Tony, he weirded me out.) We had a Tornado warning and it scared me to death. The sky was dark and green and we had to put bords up the windows and sit underneath our tables for a really long time.
5 years ago: 2003 My family and I were on the move again. This time to Lisbon, Portugal. I was super excited and very upset at the same time. It was my last year in High School in Brazil, I was leaving all my friends (and my boyfriend - Johan), and I would have to start my senior year all over again. Still, I loved it. I loved living in Portugal, I loved the school, the culture and all of the experiences I had for that short year that I lived there. I miss Portugal like crazy and would go back in heart beat if given the chance.
A Year Ago: Exacly a year ago I had just gotten back from a wonderful (but short) trip from Brazil. My grandparents were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and I went down for the family reunion/celebration. Because we slacked with Johan's visa application, he wasn't able to go. I missed him more than I thought possible! I did have tons of fun though. I went to the salon everyday. Got the works done (manicure, pedicure, hair cute, coloring) and felt like a million bucks. Shopped with my mom, ate all the foods that I missed and got to see my family and my in laws!
Yesterday: I bummed all day. Went to school and worked and then got home and just relaxed. The day before I had two big tests and was completely exausted. Amazing how much more tired I get now that I'm pregnant, and how much longer it takes for me to recover! I watched novela, did some packing (we're finally moving tomorrow!) ate some quesadilla with valentina and lime juice and watched a movie with my hubbie!
5 snacks I enjoy: Kibe, cereal (the healthy kind and the not-at-all healthy kind), quesadillas with valentina sauce and lime juice, apples and cheese, and though not a snack I would kiss right now for some caldo de cana (sugar cane juice - so good!)
5 Books I like: Twilight series, Chronicles of Narnia, Control Freak, Where the Wild Things Are and my cookbooks!
What I’d do with 100 million dollars: I would pay off our debts, pays off the debts of all my family members, houses and cars. I would start a bording school in Brazil like the one's they have in Mexico and also a small "Church" university (like the one in Virginia). I would save some for our future and our kids future, buy us a house in Brazil, invest on my dad's dream business travel the world and help all those that I could.
5 places I’d love to run away to: Casa da Lua (my grandparents house); Porto de Galinhas, Brazil; some deserted tropical beach; my parents/in laws place; anywhere else where Johan and I can be away from any problems or troubles and just relax. :o)
5 bad habits and/or pet peeves I have: I don't share milk. I hate shopping for clothes, all the changing really bugs me. I'm extremely forgetful - especially now. Disorganization bugs me to the core, and the fact that I don't have time to be as organized as I would like bugs me even more. I am very OCD with certain things.
5 things I like doing: Talking and hanging out with Johan, watching a movie on a rainy day, cooking new things, being crafty and having the house full of friends and family!
5 things I would never wear: Leather pants, animal prints, animal fur, my pjs in public and anything that is too short or too low or too small.
5 tv shows I like: John & Kate + Eight, anything on HGTV and Food Network, CSI Las Vegas, Desperate Housewives, Globo em geral.
5 famous people I’d like to meet: hummm, this is hard. John and Kate, Julie Andrews, Walt Disney and Hitler (as weird as it may be, I just have so many questions).
5 people I’d like to see fill this out:
Whoever is in the mood (and has nothing better to do because this takes forever!)