
6 meses!

26 in

Thomas is growing so fast. I can hardly believe how much he has grown. Today he had his 6 month appointment and he did so well. Poor little guy cried and cried after his shots, 3 at once-who wouldn't!- but as soon as I nursed him he calmed down and spent the rest of the day so happy that you wouldn't even say he had gotten his shots.I started him on solids a couple of weeks ago. He loves everything and never - ever- makes a funny face. He especially likes peas, sweet potatoes with spinach and papayas. I haven't been very firm with it all yet, I will give him once or twice a day, at varied times.He's turning out to be one happy playful little boy. He loves playing and interacting. He likes to be through up, loves to play patty cake or little piggies, and does extremely well playing by himself. He likes watching the Baby Eistein movies and whatever else we're watching. He's very attentive and talks like crazy. He already makes sounds like: mamama, bababa and likes doing raspberries a lot.
He was sleeping really well, but for the last week or so, for some reason, he has gone wack-o. He's been waking up a few times during the night, and I'm trying to muster the courage to just let him cry it out. But I am weak and I can't always do it. (actually I never can do it.)Anyways, I'm sick and so is he, so this is going to be a quick and sweet milestone post. The thing about getting sick with a baby is that there is not "taking the day off to sleep it off". Life goes on and you just have to suck it up and get better. Luckily I have a wonderful hubby that takes great care of me. He stayed home a little longer this morning and came home early. He took care of Thomas so I could rest and take a nice long shower. I love you Johan!!!

And just because it makes me laugh:

3 comentários:

Aline Carson disse...

Ai que fofo que o Thomas ta!!! Que pena que a gente nao ta mais aih pros dois brincarem juntos...Mas logo, logo a gente vai aih visitar vcs e dar uns beijinhos nessas bochechas super fofas.
Parabens pro Thomas!

Celia disse...

I love the picture of Thomas with the bunny ears!!!! They grow so fast don't they?. He looks just adorable like always.

Jared & Shannon disse...

Thanks for posting in English! It's great to be able to read fully what you're up to! He's a cutie!