We had a very lazy day today. We had lots and lots of plans that ended up not working out so instead we stayed home and had fun.
We sang while David played the guitar.
David got a little too much into it...
We drew with chalk on the sidewalk and played with those little popping exploding things (which Thomas LOVED doing).
We made delicious peach smoothies and blew bubbles.
And I celebrated being 35 weeks. Hip hip hurray! Can I say how anxious I am for my appointment on Tuesday? I am extremely anxious!
Happy 4th everyone!
4 comentários:
Esssa última foto com as bolhinhas e vc ficou tão bonitinha!!!
Anna! esqueci de te deixar meu e-mail. camigth@hotmail.com ...assim eu consigo te adc no meu blog!
Parabéns por estar tão linda grávida de dois!!
Anna...ta quase. Sera que vem essa semana?? Vc está linda e cheia de gente pra te ajudar!!!Vc vai precisar bastante. No seu facebook tem um convite inegável pras meninas..haha..vamos ver se elas aceitam e vem logo...bjin
We had a lazy day too. It's just so nice to relax and spend time with the family.
Only a little bit longer!
p.s. I'm going to make the Itty Bitty dress today...let's see how it goes.
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