
Gift for Gavin

Meet Gavin, the cutest little 8 months old. Gavin was born with a genetic disorder called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency that caused hi liver to go into failure. He was misdiagnosed for 3 months and underwent emergency surgery before they found out what was wrong. He is now on the Organ Donation List and is waiting for his "gift of life" so he can have a liver transplant.

For the rest of this month of June, and all through July, all my Mary Kay proceeds will be going to Gavin.

Here is a list of some of the things that are available:

TimeWise Miracle Set

Satin Hands Set

Firming Eye Cream

Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover

Satin Lips balm and mask

TimeWise Cellu-shape Contouring System

All purchases include FREE SHIPPING!!!

If you have any questions about how to help or more information of the products please go to http://www.marykay.com/annabaer , call me at 801-735-8552 or email me at annabaer@marykay.com

Ajuda ai gente! :o)

Um comentário:

Bryan and Audrey disse...

AI Anna, q ideia boa!! Eu tenho q ir aih ver o q vc tem...Eu vou ajudar sim... ele tah mto fofo nessa foto!