
crazy hair

Thomas has the craziest hair in the mornings. And lately this crazy hair will last all day. No matter what I do, it's doesn't cooperate... so I've just given up. I'm trying to be strong and let it grow and then cut it like this:

Wouldn't he look way cute?!
Let's see how long I last with the crazy-ness of his hair until then though....

3 comentários:

Aline Carson disse...

Nossa, o Zac Efron ta mto gay nessa foto!!! Ta com mta maquiagem, sei la, ta mto gay. E essa foto do Thomas ta mto engracada! hehhehe..


Aline Carson disse...

Ah, e qto ao corte...Sei nao hein, sera que nao ia ficar parecendo de menina? Pq ele ainda eh mto novinho neh, aih sei la. Mas eu quero ver como vai ficar! hehe

Anonymous disse...

Zac Afron eh gay regardless...