
Thomas' Room (and weekly menu report)

As I mentioned a while ago, I've been working on a few things for Thomas' room. I've been wanting to give it a big boy look for a while now but after a failed attempt at one of the things I wanted to make I set it all to the side and never got back to it. But now, with the nesting instincts boiling inside me, I've decided to finish off Thomas' room before I started on anything for the babies.

This is my color scheme:

The colors may seems a little brighter then in reality, but I did want to go with something more colorful and bright (yellow and white are also sort of part of it but in minor details). My initial theme was something with starts and planets and robots. But then I realized a more neutral theme that could grow with him and fit with anything interests he develops later would be better. So I just picked the color scheme and decided to stay with stars as a side note sort of detail.

I made the pillow Thomas is laying on. He loves it and especially loves all the stars.

So here is a sneak peak at a few things I've been working on. It's still not done. I still have a curtain to make, a new bed-skirt, a few other decor things, a toy box and I also wanted to make a quilt for him (we'll see how that goes, my first attempt at it ended up in the dumpster).

There is a lot more... but I'll wait for the grand reveal once it's all done and his new room is all set up.
I plan on being done with everything before the end of April. So that then I can get going on all the cute things I have planned for the twins... which will include butterflies and this color scheme:
Cute hum?!!?!?
(the green looks really bright, but it won't be this bright, don't' worry)

Mission :: Weekly Menu
Day 1

Success! Everything was way way fast to make, I had it all ready for when Johan got home and we were able to sit down for dinner with no drama at all!
I'm extremely please with how it all turned out.

For the Rosemary Beef Kabobs I followed this recipe from Recipes by Britta and it was delicious. I paired it with a ceaser salad (for which I made the dressing and the recipe is here) and some potatoes chopped up tossed in olive oil, salt, parsley and bacon ( recipe to come). Way good!!!

5 comentários:

Allyssa disse...

All thost things for Thomas' room are Adorable!!!

Kika, Olivia disse...

I have a healthy inveja of your talents! I SO WISH I had talento pra coisas manuais!! Thomas room seems so happy because of the colors, and the twins are going to have a cute room too :)

Rebeca Price disse...

ai Anna, tao lindas as coisas pro Thomas. Adorei o color scheme. E o das meninas tambem. Voce falou outro dia de um tal de mod podge sei lah, no seu FB e eu fui procurar o q era, q er aum tipo de cola eh? eh com isso q vc grudou o pano nas letras de madeira pro nome THOMAS? e tambem nesse negocio de pendurar? gostei demais.. vou procurar por esse produto.

Aline Carson disse...

Ai que fofo, td, adorei!!!!
Ah, e eu votei no Olivia e Giovana e minha mãe tb! hehehe...Mas ela não votou pq não dá, mas esse foi o palpite dela.


Barbara disse...

Adorei as cores...mto legal mesmo,eu to animada pra alugar um ap no Brasil e poder pintar a parede menina...ng merece nao pode pintar nada aqui. Eu tb queria levar umas coisas legais pro quarto das meninas,mas eu nao quero q fique quarto sem graca so de princesa...queria uma coisa assim original q nem a sua...deviamos brainstorm!
Desculpa o desencontro em IF hj,a gente chegou em casa as 8 da noite,passamos o dia la e nem fomos no shopping,so comprando coisas pros outros...to tao cansada menina....terrivel!
Ainda quero te ajudar essa semana com a mudanca...nem q seja sabado qd o Mathew puder ficar mais em casa...
PS: eu AMO Olivia e Giovana,acho bem a sua cara,mas claro q sou bias,pq eu vo ter uma Juliana,entao tb acho lindo...vai ser engracado as meninas quando se encontrarem todas,vamos ter q arranjar apelidos diferentes :)))))...ate nisso somos parecidas,ave maria! :)