Horrible picture - but here is my belly a week ago. It has grown since then, I swear. It grows overnight as if I had dipped it in some kind of radioactive chemical or something.
My grandparents came to visit and it was wonderful to be with them. They were in the US for a month, we went to Utah and stayed with them for a while, then they came here for a week then last weekend we went down again for my cousin's wedding and got to hang out with them one last time.
I'm so glad they got to play and enjoy Thomas as much as they did. Thomas had a blast with them. My grandma kept saying how she felt like she was 40 when she was with Thomas, but then at night as soon as she got to the hotel, she felt like she was 80.
My grandma also helped me tons with getting things ready for the girls. We washed ALL of their clothes,blankets and so one and got everything else organized. My grandma is the most organized person I have ever met, I seriously hope to be just like her when I grow up! It was really hard to see them go, but I'm excited for the next time they come: April 2011 - They will be here for Johan's graduation and the girls will be 9 months - a really fun age, we'll all have a blast together, it's going to be a really fun and exciting time.
Anyway... I've been really tired lately. I guess I'm officially in the third trimester now and I've been feeling it. I'm big (surprise surprise) and extremely tired. I seriously could use at least two more naps during the day. Though I'm still a little scared and oblivious as to what it will be like to have NB twins to take care of, I'm ready for them to come, but I still want them to wait a little longer so they come fully baked. :oP
It's an interesting feeling - seeing how big I am and feeling they way I have been and comparing it to how it was with Thomas, makes me want to have these babies now, but then I remember..."you're just 28 wks along darling... so sit back and enjoy the at least 8 more weeks you're got ahead of ya!"
I really hope it's just 8 more weeks... or less maybe... I won't complaint...I just want to hold these babies, dress them all cute, smell them and kiss them non stop! Two little bitty babies all for me - I can barely wait!
And here is a cute picture of Thomas taken exactly a year ago. Wasn't he just the chubbiest and cutest little bug?! And he had no teeth back then either, and now he has all 4 incisors top and bottom, his premolars top and bottom and as of this week both bottom cuspids! Some one make him stop growing!
7 comentários:
Oi Anna ja votei. O Jack fez eu votar para Beggining of July, in his words "4th of July"! Eu acho que vai ser mid July! :) O Thomas esta muito lindo. Eu estava falando para o Jack que nos nao poderiamos ter um afilhado melhor do que o Thomas. Toda vez que eu o vejo eu fico surpresa de quao espertinho e inteligente que ele esta.
Amo voces.
How exciting your due date is approaching!!! I know it gets real uncmfortable to carry twins, but it's always best to have them stay in your belly as long as possible to mae sure they are healthy and ready. I'm sure they'll be beautiful little girls and you guys will have lots of fun.
You are so cute my little granddaughter :). You should let me know next time you are in Utah, I live in Orem and we can hang out!
Good luck with those twins, just hang on a little longer, you will definately appreciate it when they come! I am also very proud of your blogging skills, I wish I kept up my blog that much!
You look amazing! So good to catch up on your blog :)
Ah Anna... que lindo ver sua "declaração" pros seus avós! Eles são realmente pessoas incriveis.
Vc nao tem noção do quanto que eles falam do Thomas por aqui, e como eles elogiam voce! É engraçado, pq nos falamos mt pouco, só nos vemos uma vez, mas conheço tanto de voce, as vezes me sinto tão intima. Penso sempre em voce, no Thomas e como sera essas menininhas lindas na tua vida.
Estou torcendo mt por voce, e orando para que voce possa ser muito forte e alegre para ter 3 crianças lindas ao teu lado.
Ah, realmente a Tia Maria Alice é muito organizada, tbm queria ser como ela... Mas acho que preciso de um curso intensivo! ;)
Beijos com carinho
Anna...outro dia tava vendo uns blogs de maes com gemeos e encontrei o seu. Depois vi q vc tb eh da igreja...Eu acabei de ter duas meninas, lendo seus posts sobre as coisas da gravidez, eu me lembrei de cada momento da minha....a barrigoooona, o cansaço, as dores nas costas, etc. Isso q eu nem tive outra gestação pra comparar. Mas agora q as meninas estão em casa, parece q nada daquilo existiu...o trablho eh outro mas eh recompensado por poder abraçá-las, apertá-las e tudo mais....bom finalzinho pra vc; essa parte eh ruim demais, a única coisa boa é q cada dia q passa fica mais perto de ver as bonequinhas...bj Nancy
Ai ai...q saudades suas...adorei as fotos e as noticias....tava criando teia ja...hahahahaha
e a tua barriga might feel big...and it's big...mas vc ta linda...e could be worse neh?pelo menos pelas fotos q eu ja vi de mulheres gravidas de gemeos...
Eu acho q elas vem mid july...ta tudo indo tao bem!!!hang in there, U CAN DO IT amiga!!!...a Bebelle ta falando aqui "thomas diz bebelu" (acho q ela lembrar disso e a coisa mais fofa,vc nao acha??) " cade tia anna?" ai eu mostrei a foto e ela disse " cade oto foto tia anna?" ai eu mostrei mais...ela adorou ver o thominhas tb...
mal posso esperar pra ver a carinha das meninas...to tao curiosa...nem acredito q vc ta tendo GEMEOS Anna! surreal!!!!!!!!!!!!
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