
30 Weeks!!!!

Here I am... 30 weeks and still standing! :oP
The nurses at the clinic were all congratulating me at how far I've made it. I thought I was funny...
I've actually been feeling pretty well. I was surprised that today I felt really good. No pain, no difficulty walking or anything! It was a wonderful day just because of that. And the amazingly summery weather outside also helped.
I had my appointment today and Dr. M gave the "you better be ready because they really could come any time now" talk. Not that I'm showing any signs of preterm labor or anything... I guess it's just that time when they give the above talk because it really can happen.
sometimes I think my belly looks like a being of its own...like in this picture, it just looks like it's hugging me and it's going to walk off any minute.

If they came now, at 30 (nearly 31) weeks they would do great.
If they came in a week, they would do even better and probably only have to stay 2-3 weeks in the hospital.
If they came in 3-4 weeks, they would do wonderfully and would most likely be able to go home with us.

Exciting isn't it?!

They are each weighing 3 lbs 7 oz and baby A is still head down, but baby B keeps moving around. Last appointment she was head down but this time she was head up. But apperantly, baby A is all that matters, because baby B will either turn around once she has more room (after baby A is delivered) or they will just deliver her the way she is.
Baby B - finally a profile picture!

I got steroids today to help me their lungs, which was quite painful... add that to the RhoGAM shot and you've got yourself a recipe for no sitting for a day! It actually was not that bad...  just the actual injection that stung like crazy, but then it was all good.

In two weeks I've got another appointment and they'll be doing the stress test and the Strep B test. I'm curious to see them in two weeks.

8 comentários:

Rebeca Price disse...

continua maravilhosa Anna. A barriga ta mesmo grandona. Acho q eu era asism quando tava indo pro hospital, com 40 semanas e 2 dias...hahaha. E voce soh tem 30.
Essas meninas estao crescendo muito bem!!


Sei q vc quer que elas venham logo, mas será q elas ñ aguentam mais umas 2 semaninhas, assims eria perfeito,né?!
Sua barriga tá bem pontuda,né?!?!

E o Thomas como está?!?!

Nancy Dias disse...

Anna...eu me senti como vocÊ desde a 28ª semana e ainda aguentei até a 36ª...parecia uma idosa reclamona, tudo tava dificil, tudo tava ruim e eu nem sei como cheguei ao final. E foi ótimo pras meninas. Elas nasceram super bem, grandes, saudáveis e vieram com a gnete pra casa (o q foi mto bom pq não sei se ainda tinha animo pra cuidar delas no hospital)... Força aí, vc ainda aguenta mais. disse...

Ai Nancy eu to mesmo assim.... parecendo uma velha reclamona!!! hahaha Que bom que nao sou só eu então!
Mas eu sei que é melhor elas ficarem o maximo possivel na barriga... e eu to me aguentando aqui tb. Como o médico disse que 34-35 semanas elas estariam super bem, eu to usando isso como a minha luzinha no final do tunel sabe? Fico pensando, mais 4 semanas, mais 4 semanas. Ai quando chegar lá a gente ve o que faz!
Vc tem orkut ou facebook ou um blog!? Adoraria ver fotos das suas menininhas!!!

Kika, Olivia disse...

que bom que esta tudo bem! Logo logo as meninas estarao aqui, QUE EMOCAO!!! :)

Paty disse...

Wow Anna, your belly is getting big! Remember when you told me the story of your co-worker telling you about the really, really preggo woman that would pass by the office constantly...hahaha now you are on the same boat. I seriously was humongous, amazing how much your belly stretches.

Like I said, try not to focus on the pains and aches that you get with carrying twins and just think of how wonderful it will be to have healthy strong little girls for you to hold and love.

I challenge you my friend, hehehehe to beat me and make it longer than I did, hahaha. Sorry I'm cracking up here. If I made it to 38 weeks you can totally do it!!! 38 weeks would be AWESOME for your little angels.

Although most likely at 38 weeks Dr. Meredith will induce you if you don't go on your own. He doesn't seem to like letting you past 38 weeks with twins. He did that with Emma and I.

Hey, are you swelling at all? I seriously retained so much water the last months of my pregnancy. It was horrible!!! Dr. M. said it had to do with all the weight I was carrying. I remember coming from work (this was around 35 weeks) and I would take of my dressy socks to find I had the socks and shoes completely marked on my feet because they would get so tight (although the swelling started weeks before that). At 35 weeks I stopped working and my mom seemed to think that maybe it would help me not swell as much because I wasn't going to be on my feet as much, but it was no difference. The swelling didn't disappear until about 4 days after the girls were born.

Anyway, Anna you look great!! Keep it up and like I said hopefully you make it to 38 weeks! Hehehe, don't hate me for saying that, but I'm just thinking of what's best for your girls. I'm sure you feel the same way ;)

Nancy Dias disse...

Anna, eu tenho só orkut, ainda nao me aventurei a fazer um blog..quem sabe um dia. Agora as coisas estao bem mais corridas e eu acho q vai demorar. Mas, aki tá o link do meu orkut, pode adicionar e ver as meninas, tem algumas fotos la. e animo ai, vc ainda aguenta mais.

Nancy Dias disse...

Anna, eu tenho só orkut, ainda nao me aventurei a fazer um blog..quem sabe um dia. Agora as coisas estao bem mais corridas e eu acho q vai demorar. Mas, aki tá o link do meu orkut, pode adicionar e ver as meninas, tem algumas fotos la. e animo ai, vc ainda aguenta mais.