
Ying Yang Oriental Kitchen

Today was a practice day for a new restaurant here in town. A friend of ours dad, who is Chinese, just opened up a restaurant and invited friends and family for a practice round to give the new employees some training before the grand opening on Monday.

Luckly we are friends, so we got invited! It was SO GOOD!!!

Johan and Thomas while we waited to be seated. It's a rather small place but very cute, cozy and quaint... and everything in there came from China!!! It's all very pretty... it even had Oriental music playing in the backgroung, it was great.

They had a set menu and we really only picked our entree. We got spring rolls for the appetizers which were scrumptious, then chicken egg drop soup which was amazing, and then Johan got Sweet and Sour chicken and I got Siam beef. YUM YUM YUM!!!

Thomas really liked the spring rolls and the soup too! I was surprised at how much he actually liked it all, I thought he wouldn't want to eat it, but I was wrong, he kept even asking for more and to try some of our food. He's becoming like his mom  - an exotic food lover!

So, going back to the first picture, me at 31 weeks! Yikes! This lady at the restaurant kept staring at my belly, then she finally asked when I was due and when I said July she was like " Beginning or End?!" And I said "Mid" And she was like "Wow" as if to say... Girl, you are way big to still have two more months!
 I love it when that happens, it makes me laugh (on the inside), but then Johan told her that I was actually expecting twins and signed in relief and said " Well that makes more sense now..." hahahaha
It was really funny...

Anyway, it's wonderful to have a new restaurant in town... I was starting to get really tired of Applebee's, Craigos and Fongs!!!!

4 comentários:

Aline Carson disse...

Ai Anna que vontadddddddddeeeeeeee...Nossa, eu sinto mó falta do Fong's. Até hoje não encontrei nenhum restaurante decente de comida chinesa aqui, pq a maioria é tipo fast food e não é tão authentic. Eu tô com água na boca aqui.
Ah, e essa sua barriga de bola de basquete parece mto a minha de qdo eu tava com umas 40 semanas. Tem uma foto minha assim tá mto parecida hahaha. Ai Anna assim até me dá saudade do meu barrigãozão...hehe

Jenny disse...

YUM! Quando que abre oficialmente? Eu quero muito ir. deveriamos ir todos juntos quando a Saly estiver por aqui talvez. :) Voce eh a gravida mais linda Anna. Tomara que quando eu ficar gravida eu seja tao linda quanto. :P

Allyssa disse...

That makes me want to eat chineese food right now!!! lol. it all sounds so good :o) You look so cute with your belly! ♥

Paty disse...

Looks like a good Chinese Restaurant, too bad it wasn't there when we lived in Rexburg. I can't wait to eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant in California.

p.s. You look good!