What I was doing...
10 years ago: 1998, I was 11 years old and in 6th grade. I had just moved with my family to Mason, Ohio and I didn't speak a word of English. I went to Mason Middle School,and basically don't remember a thing from 6th grade. A few things I do remeber though: after a few months I could communicate and had made lots of frieds. One day Tony comes up to me and asks if I want to "go out" with Zach. My response: "Go out where?" Totally did not understand the concept of 6th grade dating (and no, I did not go out with Tony, he weirded me out.) We had a Tornado warning and it scared me to death. The sky was dark and green and we had to put bords up the windows and sit underneath our tables for a really long time.
5 years ago: 2003 My family and I were on the move again. This time to Lisbon, Portugal. I was super excited and very upset at the same time. It was my last year in High School in Brazil, I was leaving all my friends (and my boyfriend - Johan), and I would have to start my senior year all over again. Still, I loved it. I loved living in Portugal, I loved the school, the culture and all of the experiences I had for that short year that I lived there. I miss Portugal like crazy and would go back in heart beat if given the chance.
A Year Ago: Exacly a year ago I had just gotten back from a wonderful (but short) trip from Brazil. My grandparents were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and I went down for the family reunion/celebration. Because we slacked with Johan's visa application, he wasn't able to go. I missed him more than I thought possible! I did have tons of fun though. I went to the salon everyday. Got the works done (manicure, pedicure, hair cute, coloring) and felt like a million bucks. Shopped with my mom, ate all the foods that I missed and got to see my family and my in laws!
Yesterday: I bummed all day. Went to school and worked and then got home and just relaxed. The day before I had two big tests and was completely exausted. Amazing how much more tired I get now that I'm pregnant, and how much longer it takes for me to recover! I watched novela, did some packing (we're finally moving tomorrow!) ate some quesadilla with valentina and lime juice and watched a movie with my hubbie!
5 snacks I enjoy: Kibe, cereal (the healthy kind and the not-at-all healthy kind), quesadillas with valentina sauce and lime juice, apples and cheese, and though not a snack I would kiss right now for some caldo de cana (sugar cane juice - so good!)
5 Books I like: Twilight series, Chronicles of Narnia, Control Freak, Where the Wild Things Are and my cookbooks!
What I’d do with 100 million dollars: I would pay off our debts, pays off the debts of all my family members, houses and cars. I would start a bording school in Brazil like the one's they have in Mexico and also a small "Church" university (like the one in Virginia). I would save some for our future and our kids future, buy us a house in Brazil, invest on my dad's dream business travel the world and help all those that I could.
5 places I’d love to run away to: Casa da Lua (my grandparents house); Porto de Galinhas, Brazil; some deserted tropical beach; my parents/in laws place; anywhere else where Johan and I can be away from any problems or troubles and just relax. :o)
5 bad habits and/or pet peeves I have: I don't share milk. I hate shopping for clothes, all the changing really bugs me. I'm extremely forgetful - especially now. Disorganization bugs me to the core, and the fact that I don't have time to be as organized as I would like bugs me even more. I am very OCD with certain things.
5 things I like doing: Talking and hanging out with Johan, watching a movie on a rainy day, cooking new things, being crafty and having the house full of friends and family!
5 things I would never wear: Leather pants, animal prints, animal fur, my pjs in public and anything that is too short or too low or too small.
5 tv shows I like: John & Kate + Eight, anything on HGTV and Food Network, CSI Las Vegas, Desperate Housewives, Globo em geral.
5 famous people I’d like to meet: hummm, this is hard. John and Kate, Julie Andrews, Walt Disney and Hitler (as weird as it may be, I just have so many questions).
5 people I’d like to see fill this out:
Whoever is in the mood (and has nothing better to do because this takes forever!)