

One post a day - wow! I'm on a roll!!!
I hope I didn't jinx it.

Here are a few more pictures from Brazil. And a very quick summary of what happened/what we did in SP.
Did lots of fun girly things with my mom and sister like shopping, talking, and getting our nails done.
Visited my dear dear bff Emilia who is also pregnant.
Thomas started walking - FINALLY. On his 15 month birthday mark (Jan. 08).
Thomas got his first real hair cut.
Ate lots of good things.
Wish I had eaten lots of other good things.
Wish I could have eaten many other good things.
Went to a Japanese restaurant with Aline and Chris and the Kids. Ate Sushi. Got home and spent the entire night wishing I had no had eaten Sushi. But it was still really nice and fun to see them.
Went to the doctor and found out that each baby has their own gestational sack, which is good, and was told that we are probably having girls. 70% chance! yay!
Enjoyed the sun, the warmth and most of all the humidity.
Enjoyed the rain, thunder storms and amazing lightning storms.
Had sleepovers with my sister.
Watched Thomas grow, learn and play.
Enjoyed being taken care of, being spoiled and pampered by my mommy.

Came back and wished I had never left, because I don't plan on making this trip again, especially alone (with 3 kids - no way) any time soon.


Um comentário:

Aline Carson disse...

Yep, vc fez essa viagem na hora certa. Mas não fica assim não, acho que mãe de gêmeos, ou melhor, gêmeAS (hehe) tem um extra strength. Claro, será difícil vir com a galera toda aqui pro Brazil, mas vcs conseguem. Ainda mais qdo elas ainda forem bebezinhas, aí fica mais fácil ainda, pq dormem o vôo inteiro...Pelo menos foi assim qdo viemos pro Brazil com a Jasmine. Ela dormiu o tempo inteiro e nem demos nada pra ela dormir.
Nossa e vc passou mal com o sushi??? Eiiita hehehe..Ontem eu comi sushi tb e comi mto, nossa, tb cheguei em casa passando meio mal. E olha que nem estou grávida!
Bom...É isso. Fica bem!
