

Most days of the week, starting at around 3-3:30pm I start feeling extremely anxious. I start roaming around the house, thinking and stewing over WHAT TO MAKE FOR DINNER. I love cooking but have a really hard time with coming up with things to make. Not just coming up with things, but also coming up with a dish that I already have all the ingredients for.

So this week I'm trying something out. I've made up a menu for the week. I've made a list with all the ingredients I need for this weeks meals. Tomorrow, I'm going out and getting all the ingredients.

My goal: Stick to this menu and have yummy dinner made with no stress and the usual  "what do I maaaakkkeeee????" ordeal every night of this week.

Will I make it? I don't know. Am I excited? Yes I am.

So, here is my Menu:

Monday: Rosemary Kebabs and Cesar Salad.
Tuesday: Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Wednesday: Tuna Casserole (but with chicken instead, so I guess, chicken casserole?)
Thursday: Caldo Verde
Friday: Stromboli (so excited for this one!!!) & simple salad.
Saturday: Churrasco
Sunday: Roast Chicken with potatoes, salad and rolls

All new recipes I will post on my recipe blog.

I'm really excited about this, I sat for over an hour today figuring out what to make and what I'll need. I'm sure this will take a big load off my shoulders - only Johan, and Thomas (he hears all my wining about not knowing what to make until Johan gets home) know what a headache this usually is for me.

So - wish me luck.

And tell me: Do you keep a weekly/monthly dinner calendar menu? How do you plan your meals?

7 comentários:

Aline Carson disse...

Pois é Anna, eu tb pensei a mesma coisa qdo fui tagged...Que nunca ia fazer aquele post, mas qdo eu tava sem sono e sem oq fazer ontem enquanto todo mundo tava dormindo eu fiz! E nem demorou tanto..hehehe
Mas então, eu já fiz um weekly menu há um tempo atras qdo eu tinha empregada. Mas era ela que cozinhava né...heheh. Mas eu tive que ensinar ela a fazer algumas coisas e ela não cozinhava tão bem assim. Mas era mto bom pq eu odiava qdo ela vinha me perguntar oq fazer sabe pq eu tinha vontade de falar: "Figure it out!" Então peguei e fiz um weekly menu pra ela sempre saber oq fazer e eu sempre saber oq comprar. Funciona mto bem, vc vai ver. E oq eu mais gostei foi o de segunda feira..hehehe

Aline Carson disse...

(O de segunda feira do seu menu)

Paty disse...

That's cool that you are doing that Anna. I thought about doing that for a while but then with Glen's crazy schedule I opted out. Now I don't cook as much, only when he is here and I try to make something he craves. My girls hardly eat my food, they want to eat the same thing all the time, so I usually make something super simple for me, that usually lasts a couple of days.

Anyway, there's a website I checked out where they check out every sale going around (groceries) tell you where the sales are and when to stock up. They also provide you with a weekly menu using the products on sale, and they also give you a grocery list.

Rebeca Price disse...

Anna, alguns meses atras eu tava na mesma situacao q voce. Alem de ser HORRIVEL nao saber oq fazer pro jantar, sendo q ja eh tipo, 5h da tarde, o pior eh o tanto de dinehiro q vc gasta idno varias vezes ao supermercado ou indo pa algum restaurante na ultima hora. Eu nao gosto de comer fora sem necessidade..eu acho um desperdicio de dinheiro, entao eu faco de tudo pra evitar. A comida q a gente faz em casa eh toa amsi gostosa neh???
Dai, o q eu fiz foi fazer um dinner plan/menu. Minha cunhada Rebecca, (casada com o irmao do Brandon), SEMPRE tem um mael calendar pregado na geladeira dela e dai eu pedi a ela pra scanear e me amnda rpor email, assim eu ia imprimir um igual. Mas na verdade, nem precisa disso, porque um calendario normal memso, ja faz o servico. Soh precisa escrever em cada data oq vc quer fazer. Alem disso, ela me deu alguams ideias de refeicoes e como ela faz pra manage a semana. Ela tem 3 criancas e eh uma loucura.
Isso tambem comecou porque a gente tava tentando estabelecer um budget certo pro mes e tal..e simplesmente, ir sempre ao supermercado eh terrivel, alem de stressful!!!
dau eu ja plan tudo ahead, porque eu nao gosto de ir ao mercado amsi q uma vez na semana, e com Rachel, eh terrivel mesmo...e vc acaba comprando coisa q nao devia. Eu tambem soh vou no mercado com lista, assim eu ja sei certinho oq eu vou comprar.
Isso facilitou MUITO a vida da gente, porque nos dias q eu tenho aula a noite, eu soh preciso deixar em aberto pro brandon cozinahr oq ele quiser, mas eu converso com ele antes, pra ter certerza de q temos os ingredientes em casa.
Algumas coisas q eu gosto de fazer,q sao rapidas, eh panqueca, chicken casserole, mac and cheese (homemade, eh claro e com muito bacon por cima), macarrao de panela de pressao, salada de macarrao, entre outros.
Eu adorei o seu menu pra essa semana.
Quero ver as receitas depois.
Eu ate tinha feito um post no meu blog falando sobre isso, mas nao consegui achar!!

boa sorte ai

Breanna disse...

I keep a monthly dinner calendar. About two weeks before the new month begins I just go online and though my cookbooks and pick out recipes, pick a day for it and write in the name of the dish and where I can find the recipe later. (I also have notecards by the computer so if I find a recipe I want to try I can write it down and put it on a calendar at a later date.) We star the ones we like so that I can make them again. I do my shopping once a week, getting all the ingredients I need for all the recipes. This really saves on buying things you don't need and commits you to keep to your calendar because you don't want to waste money or ingredients. I also make sure we eat something out of a box once a week for easiness and we have a designated "leftover" day at at least once a week. You are so clever for putting the thingns you are making on your blog. I have been considering doing the same thing...now I can just be the copycat! I am excited to see all the recipes you are making!

Celia disse...

Friday at the cultural activity of the branch, the Brazilian table had this super delicious thing. It looked like a salad and I don't know the name. If you know what I am talking about could you give me the recipe?. I loved it and I asked one of the ladies and she said that her niece just got here from Brazil and made it for her. I hope you know what I am talking about, because I would love to have that in my recipe box. :)

Kika, Olivia disse...

Hmm I surely want the recipe for caldo verde, DELICIOUS!
I have thought about having a menu but it's hard when both trevor and I work and it's different schedules. He works 3pm-midnight so we dont have dinner together. I work 6am-1pm so i thought of lunch calendar but there is no time to make the food, i get home at 1:30 and he has to leave at 2:30. what do i doooooo?????????

I think it's GREAT that you are doing it though and hope it'll be a success!! :)